Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Extra Assignment

As if you had not enough to do, I thought I would add another task to your long list of homework.  So here is your assignment:

Over the past 15 lessons we have worked extensively on the Quadratic function, everything from graphing, to the equation, finding the zeros (with and without factoring), etc. Your assignment will be to find an on-line resources that enriches your understanding of any topic we have covered in the first 15 lessons (including ambiguous case trigonometry).  These resources can be a website, a video, an on-line tutorial; like I said, anything that enhances your understanding of the topics we have covered in Pre-Calc 30S.

You must post (do not comment) a link or upload the video the blog with a short but well constructed paragraph on what the topic is and why this resource is helpful.  Be careful though, you can not use the same resource as anyone else.  If two people have the same resource the second person will not get credit for the assignment. It is a race to be the best:)

The assignment is due MONDAY OCTOBER 25 at 5 pm.  Any posts after that time will be not counted as a completed assignment (ouch).

Good Luck and get posting!
Ms. Scallion

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