Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 month planning pre calc 2010

Here is the game plan for the rest of the semester. It is going to be tight. I would suggest that you don't leave studying until the last possible will need more time than that, I promise you!

As you can see there are two empty days on the calendar. These are for exam review. TWO...that's all right now, but if we take and combine some lessons (we'll play that by ear) we'll have extra days. I am not try to punish anyone by doing double lessons, rather just trying to make sure you are prepared for grade 12.

Print the calendar off, put it in your phone, or just BE AWARE of the plan.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Group Mid Term Results

Hi Folks,
I wanted to say thank you for your efforts in being the guinea pigs of the group test.  I learned a lot about you as learners and some of our strengths and weaknesses.  SO don't look just at the mark, think about what kind of learner are you.  Do you prefer to work quietly and think things through on your own or do you do better talking things out with a group?  Do you feel confident in your abilities or did working with others make you second guess your answers?  Were you the group leader? Or did you follow quietly?

Here are a list of the Group Averages...they do not represent your individual score.  Your score is your score.
People are listed by initials only. I will leave it to you to figure out which group you were in:

Group One 83%
G.K. & A.D. & J.T. & J.H.

Group Two 71%
T.M. & D.S. & E.H. & K.D.

Group Three 89%
J.M. & C.M. & M.N. & N.P.

Group Four 73%
B.H. & J.G. & A.R. & M.C

Group Five 75%
E.A. & S.T. & A.R. & M.L.

Group Six 55%
M.B. & A.H. & A.L. & K.P.

Group Seven 53%
K.A. & M.M. & B.L.

In order for me to get a good feel of the success or failure of this test I am willing to swap 2% to be added to your mid term if you send me a reflection about the test.

2% is a pretty big deal so these are the specifics that you must include:
  1. How did you and your group study?
  2. When taking the test, did you find working in a group a help or a hindrance? Explain your answer throughly.
  3. Were you surprised by your mark? Why or why not?
  4. What did you learn about your test taking/learning skills? Do you prefer to work quietly and think things through on your own or do you do better talking things out with a group?
  5. Should I do this again?
  6. One other interesting thing/opinion about the group test.
This is an all or nothing partial marks, so be sure to answer the questions full and completely in order to get 2% added on to your mark.

Also the reflection has to be E-MAILED to me at it is posted to the blog I will remove it and you will NOT receive 2%.

Enjoy and Reflect,
Ms. Scallion 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lesson 30 35

This presentation is in PDF form. You should be able to print it like the notes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dividing/Multiplying by a Negative in Inequalities

Hi Folks,

I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the rules when you are dividing an inequality by a negative must switch the I said more confusing than difficult.

Here is a link to a site that explains it pretty well

You will need this information to do question 12 part c...yes the answer in the book is correct.

If it is still unclear I will go over it tomorrow in class, briefly, as we have lots of circle stuff to do...but this will be on the test so make sure you remind me!

Lesson 30 to 35 Circles

The circle unit seems to blend into one big lesson. I will do my best to break it down into manageable chunks...I make no promises. I would like to get a few classes in with the laptops but that will most likely be next week. So be ready to learn some new skills.
Aren't you the luckiest class ever:)

It would be super helpful if you PRINTED the will have an easy time doing the exams with the circles and such already drawn for you.

Test 6 review key

Lesson Learned...coloured paper doesn't scan very nicely. Remember that you do not have to do question 14 on the review as we have not yet learned rational inequalities.

Also just to review the class decision today the rest of the week is as follows:
Wednesday Lesson 30 - First day of Circles (not on test)
Thursday TEST lessons 26 to 28
Friday Talent Show and if some strange reason the talent show is a no go we will continue on with lesson 31 ... circles!

Enjoy and remember that tomorrow is your only day to ask questions before the test. I would also suggest you bring the new rulers I gave you and a few colours of pens/pencils for shading purposes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lesson 28 Part 2

Oh the mistakes I made...the second page is wrong...kinda.  I switched the signs from the example with the graph and the one without so my solution is technically correct but that is not what I want to show you...I am going to redo the notes and re-post them.  Make sure you have the correct notes from class. 

Also the statement on the notes where I said "the solution always is where the product is positive." that depends on your inequality. I fixed it in class.

Lesson 28 Part 1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 27

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 26

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 25

Review Key for Midterm

Thanks for the Reminders Katie and Jen. A cold put my uploading on hold for a day. Please excuse my poor scanning...almost as bad as when I try to photocopy long sheets of paper! The first page of the PDF is actually the last page of the review. Oops:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Absolute values Power Point Presentation

We only went up to slide 20. We did not do inequalities...YET!

Lesson 23

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 22

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 21

Lesson 19 Page 4

Lesson 19 Page 3

Lesson 19 page 2

Lesson 19 page 1

Review key test 4

Here's the key for the review. Remember that you have to memorize the descriminate information.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lesson 18

These notes have the check from the last example as well as another example with a rational exponent...make sure you look at it. I want reiterate that questions 1 through 5 are do tomorrow.
Thank you for being patient with me to today...Tomorrow will be better...I promise:)

Lesson 17

Lesson 16 part 2

Lesson 16 part 1

We are no longer BLOCKED so I am a bit delayed but here are the notes from this section!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Extra Assignment
There's plenty of lessons, examples, and links to other sites, with new ones being added each day!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

bonus assignment! : quadratic formula

Examples of the quadratic formula to solve an equation
  • Example 1
      Quadratic Equation: y = x² + 2x + 1
    • a = 1
    • b = 2
    • c = 1
    • Using the quadratic formula to solve this equation just substitute a,b, and c into the general formula:
      example of quadratic formula
      Below is a picture representing the graph of
      y = x² + 2x + 1 and its solution
    Picture of graph of  solved quadratic formula
  • this site shows exactly what the quadratic formula does for you. (like finding the x-axis, and how to graph it.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Law of Sines

This was very easy and helpful to explain sine law . :)

Review key for test #3

Thanks Jen House for reminding me to post this to the web. I am up to my eyeballs in marking right now so if you need anything just e-mail!

Extra Assignment

This site basically shows you everything you need to know about quadratic functions. It lists in order how to graph the equation all the way to solving the quadratic equation for roots. It clearly states how to do each step and gives lots of examples. It has everything we learned about quadratic functions so far.

Blog Assignment

This site helped me clarify how to find and solve ambiguous case triangles.

Extra Assignment

This site covered many different topics including completing the square and finding the roots. Each of the topics comes with lengthy, easy to read instructions and gives plenty of examples.

quadratic equations

this is a site ii found that can help out for quadratic equations

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bonus marks!

This site helped me out and showed me how to solve quadratic equations by graphing. It had 3 videos that helped me understand the concept as well. It also shows how to identify the vertex, minimum or maximum, x and y intercepts, axis of symmetry and the domain and range.

Quadratic Equations

This site helped me solve quadratic equations step by step. I found it very clear and easy to understand.

Graphing Quadratic Functions - Example 1

quadratic functions

Writing Quadratic Functions - - Algebra 2 Help

This youtube video is very helpful in showing every step to graphing a quadratic function. It also shows how to identify the vertex, minimum or maximum, x and y intercepts, axis of symmetry and the domain and range.

Extra Assignment

This site shows you how to use Sine Law. Gives examples.
this is about the quadratic equations. an example:
this was my favorite question on the website, gave a good example of how to do this tough equation :)

Bonus Mark

This site is helpful because there are examples. Also there is a calculator that you can put numbers in and it tell you what the answer is suposse to be. It is a very good site.

Questions from lesson 13

Tomorrow, Oct 19, we will be doing questions from lesson 14 and 15 and the review for the test on Wednesday. Questions for Lesson 15 are 1 to 5 and 7&8.

Remember Problem set is due Wednesday and you have your on-line assignment:)
Bonus Marks,
This link can show you step by step on how to factor quadratics. This link is very detailed and it should be able to answer anything you need. It has lots of examples and pictures.

Bonus Marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This website has helped me before with understanding what a parabola when i didnt know in the first few days of school, also helped me with formual. And My answer is better then Jens

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Extra assignment

this is about how many solutions there are for each kind of triangle, it tells you how to solve eat and it gives examples. It tells you if the angle is acute there are 5 solutions, if it is obtuse there are 3 options.

The Extra Assignment

As if you had not enough to do, I thought I would add another task to your long list of homework.  So here is your assignment:

Over the past 15 lessons we have worked extensively on the Quadratic function, everything from graphing, to the equation, finding the zeros (with and without factoring), etc. Your assignment will be to find an on-line resources that enriches your understanding of any topic we have covered in the first 15 lessons (including ambiguous case trigonometry).  These resources can be a website, a video, an on-line tutorial; like I said, anything that enhances your understanding of the topics we have covered in Pre-Calc 30S.

You must post (do not comment) a link or upload the video the blog with a short but well constructed paragraph on what the topic is and why this resource is helpful.  Be careful though, you can not use the same resource as anyone else.  If two people have the same resource the second person will not get credit for the assignment. It is a race to be the best:)

The assignment is due MONDAY OCTOBER 25 at 5 pm.  Any posts after that time will be not counted as a completed assignment (ouch).

Good Luck and get posting!
Ms. Scallion

Lesson 15 - Graphing with roots and the Vertex

Really you only need two things to graph a quadratic...roots and the vertex. The graph won't be exactly accurate but it will have the general tend of the data, without making a table of values. Easy Peasy:)

Lesson 14 - Solving for the Zeros of a function when it can NOT be factored.

I know it says in the notes that you have to memorize the quadratic formula...I lied. It is on your formula sheet:)

Lesson 13 Solving for the Zeros of a function by FACTORING

Here are the notes for lesson 13. Some of the lighter text did not scan in very well but I think you'll get the point even without the missing info.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Protractors, Rulers and Triangles

I hope that's what you will be dreaming of as you set off into lesson 10.  Just a reminder that you must complete questions 1 to 6 on lesson 10. I am a bit concerned that we rushed the lesson.  So I want to spend half the class tomorrow dedicated to ambiguous case triangles. Do what you can tonight and we'll discuss tomorrow in class.  Yes, the test is still scheduled for Friday:) 

I will put the answer key for the review on the blog tonight so you will have access to it when you are studying for the test. You will get the actual review tomorrow.

Smile and enjoy the Trig:)
Ms Scallion

Lesson 9 oct 6

Class Questions from today Oct 6, 2010.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time to Plan Your Life

The life of a Pre-Calc student is never done.  You need to plan your week with highlights on the test date and the problem set #1 due date.

  • Monday Oct 4 - No School
  • Tuesday Oct 5 - Lesson 9 - the CAST rule
  • Wednesday Oct 6 - Lesson 10 - Triangles that are SPECIAL (just like you)
  • Thursday Oct 7 - Review Day 
  • Friday Oct 8 - Test #2

  • Monday Oct 11 - No School - Thanksgiving
  • Tuesday Oct 12 - Problem Set #1 Due and Lesson 11and 12 (no Notes, review lesson)
  • Wednesday Oct 13 - Lesson 13
  • Thursday Oct 14 - Lesson 14
  • Friday Oct 15 - I am in the school but not in class so it will be a work period
 So this is your life for the next couple of weeks.  If you are missing a class please make sure that you get the notes ahead of time and check the blog for updates.  Once you are a member of the blog you can post comments and ask questions.  I can answer them here right away or your class mates can respond too.  Might be a good place to look for help on those nasty problem sets:)

Lesson 8 oct 5

Here are the questions from lesson 8 as per the classes request. Enjoy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lesson 7

These are the class questions from Friday Oct 1, 2010. Enjoy!

Lesson 6 oct 1

These were the questions from class that were asked about Lesson 6. If you missed Friday you might need some explanation about the chicken scratches I call work!

Lesson 10 Ambiguous Case Trigonometry

He are the notes for Lesson 10 for Wednesday. We will be drawing the triangles to scale so bring your trusty math set to class. I will have some protractors available in class, but I don't have enough for everyone!

The Beginning

Ask and ye shall receive. So here is your class blog.  In order for you to be able to post to the blog you need to send me an e-mail ( and I will send an invite to join our class blog.  My goal is to put the week's worth of notes up and let you preview them before we do them in class. 

I would also like to get feedback from you folks, on the blog about lessons, what was easy, what was hard, maybe an easier way to do things.  It is your class blog.  I don't want to be the only one working on it!  Please make sure you post here!

Enjoy...let the fun begin:)
Ms. Scallion

Trigonometric Equations

Pre-Calculus 11 Notes for lesson 9