Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 month planning pre calc 2010

Here is the game plan for the rest of the semester. It is going to be tight. I would suggest that you don't leave studying until the last possible will need more time than that, I promise you!

As you can see there are two empty days on the calendar. These are for exam review. TWO...that's all right now, but if we take and combine some lessons (we'll play that by ear) we'll have extra days. I am not try to punish anyone by doing double lessons, rather just trying to make sure you are prepared for grade 12.

Print the calendar off, put it in your phone, or just BE AWARE of the plan.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Group Mid Term Results

Hi Folks,
I wanted to say thank you for your efforts in being the guinea pigs of the group test.  I learned a lot about you as learners and some of our strengths and weaknesses.  SO don't look just at the mark, think about what kind of learner are you.  Do you prefer to work quietly and think things through on your own or do you do better talking things out with a group?  Do you feel confident in your abilities or did working with others make you second guess your answers?  Were you the group leader? Or did you follow quietly?

Here are a list of the Group Averages...they do not represent your individual score.  Your score is your score.
People are listed by initials only. I will leave it to you to figure out which group you were in:

Group One 83%
G.K. & A.D. & J.T. & J.H.

Group Two 71%
T.M. & D.S. & E.H. & K.D.

Group Three 89%
J.M. & C.M. & M.N. & N.P.

Group Four 73%
B.H. & J.G. & A.R. & M.C

Group Five 75%
E.A. & S.T. & A.R. & M.L.

Group Six 55%
M.B. & A.H. & A.L. & K.P.

Group Seven 53%
K.A. & M.M. & B.L.

In order for me to get a good feel of the success or failure of this test I am willing to swap 2% to be added to your mid term if you send me a reflection about the test.

2% is a pretty big deal so these are the specifics that you must include:
  1. How did you and your group study?
  2. When taking the test, did you find working in a group a help or a hindrance? Explain your answer throughly.
  3. Were you surprised by your mark? Why or why not?
  4. What did you learn about your test taking/learning skills? Do you prefer to work quietly and think things through on your own or do you do better talking things out with a group?
  5. Should I do this again?
  6. One other interesting thing/opinion about the group test.
This is an all or nothing partial marks, so be sure to answer the questions full and completely in order to get 2% added on to your mark.

Also the reflection has to be E-MAILED to me at it is posted to the blog I will remove it and you will NOT receive 2%.

Enjoy and Reflect,
Ms. Scallion 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lesson 30 35

This presentation is in PDF form. You should be able to print it like the notes.