Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dividing/Multiplying by a Negative in Inequalities

Hi Folks,

I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the rules when you are dividing an inequality by a negative number...you must switch the signs...like I said more confusing than difficult.

Here is a link to a site that explains it pretty well


You will need this information to do question 12 part c...yes the answer in the book is correct.

If it is still unclear I will go over it tomorrow in class, briefly, as we have lots of circle stuff to do...but this will be on the test so make sure you remind me!

Lesson 30 to 35 Circles

The circle unit seems to blend into one big lesson. I will do my best to break it down into manageable chunks...I make no promises. I would like to get a few classes in with the laptops but that will most likely be next week. So be ready to learn some new skills.
Aren't you the luckiest class ever:)

It would be super helpful if you PRINTED the notes...you will have an easy time doing the exams with the circles and such already drawn for you.

Test 6 review key

Lesson Learned...coloured paper doesn't scan very nicely. Remember that you do not have to do question 14 on the review as we have not yet learned rational inequalities.

Also just to review the class decision today the rest of the week is as follows:
Wednesday Lesson 30 - First day of Circles (not on test)
Thursday TEST lessons 26 to 28
Friday Talent Show and if some strange reason the talent show is a no go we will continue on with lesson 31 ... circles!

Enjoy and remember that tomorrow is your only day to ask questions before the test. I would also suggest you bring the new rulers I gave you and a few colours of pens/pencils for shading purposes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lesson 28 Part 2

Oh the mistakes I made...the second page is wrong...kinda.  I switched the signs from the example with the graph and the one without so my solution is technically correct but that is not what I want to show you...I am going to redo the notes and re-post them.  Make sure you have the correct notes from class. 

Also the statement on the notes where I said "the solution always is where the product is positive." that BUNK...it depends on your inequality. I fixed it in class.

Lesson 28 Part 1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 27

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 26

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 25

Review Key for Midterm

Thanks for the Reminders Katie and Jen. A cold put my uploading on hold for a day. Please excuse my poor scanning...almost as bad as when I try to photocopy long sheets of paper! The first page of the PDF is actually the last page of the review. Oops:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Absolute values Power Point Presentation

We only went up to slide 20. We did not do inequalities...YET!

Lesson 23

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 22

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Lesson 21

Lesson 19 Page 4

Lesson 19 Page 3

Lesson 19 page 2

Lesson 19 page 1

Review key test 4

Here's the key for the review. Remember that you have to memorize the descriminate information.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lesson 18

These notes have the check from the last example as well as another example with a rational exponent...make sure you look at it. I want reiterate that questions 1 through 5 are do tomorrow.
Thank you for being patient with me to today...Tomorrow will be better...I promise:)

Lesson 17

Lesson 16 part 2

Lesson 16 part 1

We are no longer BLOCKED so I am a bit delayed but here are the notes from this section!